Key Radio
Pastor Andy is on Key Radio the 4th Tuesday of every month from 9am-10am at 91.3 FM Provo, 1450 AM Provo, 91.7 FM Richfield and Vernal, 91.9 FM Price, 95.5 FM Payson. Or watch live on their facebook page.

Men's Breakfast: 3rd Saturday of the Month
The 3rd Saturday of the month. The men gather for breakfast and fellowship at the Erickson’s Home. Text Andy at 714-943-8053 for address and/or if you have any questions.

Women's Event
You are Invited! Open to all women from different churches, non churched, different denominations and backgounds. Join us for a weekend of refreshing, encouragement and strengthening as we gather together Friday evening and Saturday. We will have a time of connecting with one another, fun activities and take in all how God cares for us and wants us to cast all of our cares to Him and live the life God has for each one of us.
Please click on the link below to register: Deadline to Register is April 6.
$40 per person
Friday Evening:
6 PM-9:00 PM: Dinner, Activities, Speaker
Speaker, Laura Erickson, “God Cares For You” 1 Peter 5:7
Optional Morning Devotional Walk at Hobble Creek Canyon 7:30 AM- 8:30 AM
9 AM Breakfast
9:30 AM Worship and Speaker, Joy Snyder, “Cast All of Your Cares to Jesus” Psalm 55
10:30 AM-11:30 AM Breakout Session and Craft
11:30 AM-12 PM Onsite Lunch
12 PM- 1:45 PM Off Site Activity
1:45 PM-2:00 PM Regather for Coffee and Tea Mingle and Give Away Raffle at 1:45 PM!
2:00 PM- 2:30 PM Devo/Testimony Speaker TBA
2:30 PM-3:30 PM Closing Activity & Worship
3:30 PM- 4:00 PM Good Byes

All Church Camp Out!
Save the Dates! Details and Registration to Follow. For families, singles, kids, adults, everyone at Grace!

Save The Dates!
Save the Dates!!
Vacation Day Camp for Kids is Coming to Grace Bible Church!
July 8, 9, 10
Details and Regisitration to Follow!

Youth Group Movie Night
$4 Meet out front of the elevator at 4:45 pm, The movie starts at 5pm. Afterwards, we will caravan over to the Ericksons for pizza and discussion about the spiritual themes in the movie. Pick up at 9 pm at the Ericksons.

Christmas at Grace
Christmas Service Sunday, Dec 22 at 10 am featuring Children’s Choir and Message
Christmas Eve Candlelight Service is Dec 24 at 7pm featuring children’s choir, message and congregational Christmas singing. Refreshments served

Youth Group Luau
Special Luau Event for the Youth!
Meet at the Legacy Farms Park by Andy and Laura’s house.
Kick off the new year of Youth Group. Food, Fun, and Friends. Bring a friend!

All are invited to join us on Sunday immediately after the service for baptisms at the Spanish Fork Reservoir followed by a potluck at the Pavillon.

Women's Bunco Fundraiser Night
A fun Women’s Night Out and Fundraiser for our Missionaries who are expecting their first baby in December. It’s a girl! Suggested $10 donation per person, RSVP to Laura by July 25.

Youth Movie Night (6th-12th grade)
Meet in front of the Rivoli theater at 6:30 pm and after movie we will walk over to the church for ice cream sundaes.

Ladies Night Out Summer Fellowship
Dessert and Fellowship at Laura’s home. Invite a friend! RSVP is appreciated to Laura at 801-979-3223 and also can call/text Laura for address.

Meet Our Missionaries
Bryan and Andrea will be sharing at our Sunday Service. Church Potluck immediately following service.

A Four Week Class starting in June.. Meet at the church at 7pm on Thursday nights, and this will be a interactive class where we will go over the basic essentials and doctrines of biblical Christianity.

You Are God's Masterpiece Women and Teen Event
A time of gathering of women and teens. Come expecting to meet others, enjoy a charcuterie lunch followed by a message from God’s Word that you are God’s Masterpiece! Ephesians 2:10

Church Potluck
This Sunday, the founding Pastor of Grace Bible Church, Derrick Smothers, will be visiting with his wife June, and will be speaking at the Sunday morning service. A Church Potluck will follow where we will visit with the Smothers too.

Youth Girls
Let’s Make a Quilt Together. We will meet at Karen’s and make one quilt together that we will donate to someone to be decided (think of someone you think we could bless with this gift with). RSVP to Laura by March 11 so we have enough supplies. Laura’s number is 801-979-3223.

Valentine's Bunco
You are invited to join us for Bunco! $5 per couple. At Andy and Laura’s house.
Midweek Study Cancelled
Wednesday Night Service Cancelled 12/27/2023, See you on Sunday

Christmas Eve: Morning Service is at 10 am and NO Evening Service
Please join us Christmas Eve morning for our regularly scheduled service at 10 am and the children will be singing Christmas Songs. There will not be an evening service this year.

Grace Youth Christmas Party
Friday, Dec. 15, from 7pm-9pm. Dinner and Games. Invite a friend. Please RSVP to Laura 801-979-3223 by Thursday.

Women of Grace Christmas Dinner
Women of Grace Dinner at 6:30 pm
$5 Please RSVP and pay Shari or Caitlynn by Dec. 3.

Community Christmas Party
You are invited! RSVP required for food and game tickets. Please RSVP to Josie by Nov. 30, (626) 422-8725 text.